The Wildlife Gallery

Wildlife Icon


The Wildlife Gallery is a web application that allows users to look at photos uploaded by other users. If a user logs in, they made upload their own photos to the gallery with tags for filtering. The design process began with defining two different target audiences and creating personas for each of them. Then, I did two rounds of wireframing on paper. Last, I programmed the application using HTML, CSS, and PHP. Try logging in with username "tomas" and password "monkey" to upload photos!

Stage 1: Target Audiences

Consumer: People who are interested in looking at nature and photography.
Administrator: People who take photos of nature who wish to give their work an audience.

Stage 2: Personas

I made two personas to guide the design. Sarah represents the consumer audience while John represents the administrator audience.

Sarah Persona John Persona

Stage 3: Wireframing

I did two rounds of wireframing in order to finalize the application layout.


Homepage Sketch Arrow Homepage Sketch

Photo Detail

Detail Sketch Arrow Detail Sketch

Stage 4: Developing

I developed the website using PHP, HTML, CSS, and a SQLite database. Try logging in with username "tomas" and password "monkey" to upload photos!

wildlife website wildlife website